Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu

Counselling Code : 2636

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AVS Engineering College Alumni Association

AVS Engineering College Alumni Association was registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act, 1975(Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1975) in the year 2022 vide Sl.No.SRG/Salem /21/2022 with the Office of the Registrar of Societies, Salem, Tamil Nadu. AVSEC Alumni Association is a platform through which the alumni get in touch with their alma mater and with their classmates. The primary objective is to reconnect, reminisce, and revisit the rich memories through connecting with classmates, strengthening their bond, and valuing the rich experiences gained over the years. The driving force behind AVSEC Alumni Association is to encourage vibrant student-alumni interactions that would benefit our students in terms of learning, as well as the alumni in terms of sharing their rich expertise.

  • To offer a channel of communication for the Institute's Alumni to stay in touch with one another as well as their Faculty members and students of the institute
  • To enable the Alumni to take part in the Institute’s activities that will contribute to its improvement
  • To encourage the sharing of knowledge and expertise with the Junior students
  • To conduct seminars, workshops and guest lectures on their field of expertise
  • To promote social and cultural activities
  • To provide financial aid to worthy and needy students by way of providing scholarships
  • To assist the Alumni by offering guidance on a range of technical issues that they may encounter at work.
The General Body can choose to take actions to advance these objectives. The various contributions by the Alumni are listed as under:
  • AVSEC encourages Alumni to provide Guest Lectures on technical topics and Career Guidance to update the current students with the latest technological trends.
  • Alumni are invited to share their success stories to motivate and groom their juniors holistically.
  • AVSEC Alumni Association promotes Alumni in instituting awards which are given to them during the Annual Day and Annual Cultural fest.
  • Scholarships and other financial aid are provided to worthy and in need students to enable them to focus on their studies.
  • AVSEC Alumni Association has taken many initiatives every year like providing internships, encouraging alumni to visit the college for campus placements, provide project assistance, encouraging employee referrals to our students and facilitating industrial visits for students. By following these principles, students can become more employable and effective engineers.

Name Designation
1 Mr.K.Kailasam Chairman , AVS Engineering College
2 Mr.K.Rajavinyakam Secreatary, AVS Engineering College
3 Mr.K.Senthilkumar Correspondent , AVS Engineering College
4 Dr.J.sundararajan Principal , AVS Engineering College
5 Mr.K.Samuvel Administrative Officer , AVS Engineering College
6 Mr.M.Vasanthakumar Assistant professor ,ECE, AVS Engineering College
Members of Alumni committee
S.NO Members Designation

M.Vasanthakumar (2012-2014)M.E-VLSI
Assistant Professor - ECE
AVS Engineering College Salem-3.

(2019-2023) EEE
M Core Technologies , Chennai
Vice President

(2019-2023) ECE
TCS , Chennai

(2019-2023) CSE
Softsqua , Chennai
Joint Secretary

(2019-2023) Civil
Site Engineer
Jayam Constructions , Sivakangai

(2019-2023) Mechanical
JSE Pvt Ltd , Chennai
Executive Committee Members

(2019-2023) ECE
Avasoft , Chennai
Executive Committee Members

(2014-2016)M.E - ED
Assistant Professor - Mechanical
AVS Engineering College Salem-3.
Executive Committee Members
Alumni Registration Certificate View Document
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