Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu

Counselling Code : 2636

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The college opposes discrimination on any basis, including disability discrimination. It complies with the laws stipulated by the Indian Constitution, which requires that people with disabilities be granted equal opportunity, protection from discrimination and full participation in all activities. The college is dedicated in giving access to employment opportunities, education and a barrier-free environment. To ensure that the students benefit from the courses, all of the institute's instructors and staff will make an effort to assist those who are differently abled.


  • To give the college inclusive and accessible education.
  • To establish an environment in all areas of employment and education that is welcoming, non-discriminatory and non-exploitative for everyone.
  • To provide a strong and appropriate regulatory framework for the efficient provision of services to college staffs and students with disabilities.
  • To guarantee the application of all laws pertaining to people with disabilities.
  • To provide individuals with impairments full participation in all college activities and equal development chances.
  • Government regulations govern the periodic provision of facilities.
  • To guarantee that all Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff members participate in accessibility awareness programs
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Run by Om Sri Vivekananda Educational Trust