Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu

Counselling Code : 2636

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Spacious college buildings and well designed class rooms and labs speak the excellent infrastructure. Each building block is having an optical fiber backbone with net-working extended up to labs and libraries. The college has a 125KV HT line and two generator units to provide zero down time power supply throughout the campus.

ICT Tools


Open Auditorium

Board Room





Guest Room

Seminar Hall


RO plant

Gen Set

Prayer Hall

Language Lab

RO plant

RO Plant has been installed in our campus since Reverse Osmosis is one of the best ways of purifying water and making it safe for drinking. The filtration systems assure the health of our students.

Gen Shed

The generator facility provides an emergency or alternate source of power during an incoming power event. The college has a 125KV line and two generator units to provide zero down time power supply. Description: Top Diesel Generator Installation Services near Sav Evening ...

Prayer Hall

To inculcate values among students prayer song has been played every morning. Students stand on their respective place to pray the almighty. A separate hall has been given for our Muslim students to do NAMAS on Friday afternoon everyweek.

Language Lab

Language lab is established for our students to access audio-visual materials. It offers higherpossibilities than traditional Teaching Learning system. Language immersion, attention to diversity, teamwork promotion etc. are just some of the notable features of our Language Laboratories. Hi-class software has been installed in our college Language Lab to enhance student's language skills.

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Run by Om Sri Vivekananda Educational Trust