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Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade
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Patent Details

Sl. No. Patent Application No. Inventor/s Name Title of the Patent Patent Filed Date   Patent Published Date
1 201741003249 Dr. A.Srinivasan Helmet wear notification system 30-01-2017 07-04-2017
2 201941047364 A Dr.V.Vijayakumar A smart music player based upon the mood of a user using AI techniques 20-11-2019 06-12-2019
3 201941013784 A Mr.R.Manivannan GSM based security alert system using piezo buzzer plate 05-04-2019 17-05-2019
4 2021100010 Dr.R.Manivannan Auxetic light lamp silhouette chiral structure for high strength, light weight, economy and compact constructions 03-01-2021 03-01-2021
5 2021104116 Dr.R.Manivannan A light weight mono frame chassis for e-skater scooter by natural fiber laminates 13-07-2021 20-10-2021
6 202241053327 Dr.M.Vilasini Blockchain  and IOT based secure computing in smart healthcare for sustainable smart cities 23-09-2022 23-09-2022
7 202241037274 Dr.M.Vilasini Fox-eye: an assistive defence system for soldiers 29-06-2022 29-06-2022
8 202241037597 Dr.M.Vilasini Smart intelligent controller for irrigation and monitoring using agro deep learning algorithm 30-06-2022 30-06-2022
9 202241037509 Dr.M.Vilasini Block chain and cloud based digital forensic examination system using IOT and machine learning 19-09-2022 23-09-2022
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