Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu

Counselling Code : 2636

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It is essential for there to be continual communication between the Institute and the Industry. The Industry-Institution Interaction Cell, developed to promote the link between industry and our institute, offers a great platform for both students and faculty members to learn about what the market expects from graduates. The IIIC provides as a platform to highlight the best practices, most recent technology from an industry perspective, and their application.

Additionally, IIIC encourages industry professionals to participate regularly in career progression and curriculum design, both of which are important for improving students' skill sets and preparing them for the demands of the workplace. Ample industrial experience is given to faculty members in order to improve the Teaching Learning Process and help the institution create quality students, which will help academia advance in the global knowledge index.


  • To investigate and determine common points of contact with industry.
  • To Create an Industry/Corporate Center of Excellence to Provide Real-Time Exposure to Technologies.
  • To support faculty members' and students' varied research endeavors.
  • To create collaboration through MOUs with industrial and research entities from diverse fields.


  • Will host a workshop featuring leading industry experts on current technologies.
  • To support the Departments in planning workshops, conferences, and symposia with shared industry participation.
  • Encouraging industrial engineers to give lectures at the institution
  • To plan industrial visits for students and faculty.
  • To organize and locate business partners in order to propose a "Centre for Excellence."
  • The Training and Placement Division's benefit.
  • Industry leaders and active engineers visit the institute to view the research being done and the laboratories.
  • Memorandum of Understanding between the institute and the industry to improve relations on both a strategic and emotional level.
  • Visits by academics to industry to conduct research, have meetings, or give talks on topics of common interest.
  • Visiting academic staff or professors from firms.
  • Students receive industrial training that is practical.
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Run by Om Sri Vivekananda Educational Trust