Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu

Counselling Code : 2636

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IQAC - Roles and Responsibilities

Developing Quality Parameters:

Formulating and defining quality benchmarks and parameters for various academic and administrative activities.

Quality Assurance:

Ensuring compliance with quality standards and guidelines set by accreditation bodies and regulatory authorities.

Performance Evaluation:

Monitoring and evaluating the performance of different departments and units within the institution.

Feedback and Improvement:

Collecting feedback from stakeholders, analyzing it, and implementing measures for continuous improvement.

Strategic Planning:

Developing and implementing strategic plans for enhancing the overall quality of education and institutional processes.

Accreditation Coordination:

Coordinating accreditation processes and ensuring the institution meets the criteria set by accrediting agencies.

Promoting Best Practices:

Identifying and promoting best practices in teaching, research, administration, and other areas.

Institutional Research:

Conducting research and studies to identify areas for improvement and innovation within the institution.

Professional Development:

Organizing workshops, seminars, and training programs for faculty and staff to enhance their professional development.

Student Support:

Ensuring adequate support services for students, including counseling, career guidance, and academic assistance.

Documentation and Record Keeping:

Maintaining records related to quality assurance, audits, and accreditation for documentation and future reference.

Collaboration with Stakeholders:

Facilitating collaboration with internal and external stakeholders, including industry, for mutual benefits.

Ensuring Ethical Practices:

Ensuring that all activities and practices within the institution adhere to ethical standards and norms.

Monitoring Academic Progress:

Monitoring the academic progress of students and recommending interventions to improve student outcomes.

Data Analysis:

Analysing  data related to academic performance, research output, and other relevant metrics to inform decision-making.


Communicating effectively with all stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, and external bodies.

Preparing Reports:

Preparing reports on the institution's academic and administrative performance for internal and external use.

Risk Management:

Identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them for the overall well-being of the institution.

Overall, the IQAC is instrumental in ensuring that the institution maintains and enhances its quality standards, continuously improves its processes, and meets the expectations of various stakeholders.

Committee Members

S.No Name Designation IQAC Position
1 Dr.J.Sundararajan Principal Chairperson
2 Dr.D.R.Joshua Professor / MECH Members of Faculty
3 Dr.V.Vijayakumar Professor / CSE
4 Dr.P.Umarani Professor / S&H
5 Dr.R.Nithya Professor / MBA
6 Shri.K.Senthilkumar Correspondent Management Representative
7 Mr.V.Samuvel Administrative Officer Member from Administration
8 Er.S.R.Saravanan FIE., Chairman – IE(I) ,
Salem Local Centre
Local Society Nominee
9 R.Naresh Kumar III Year ECE Student Members
10 S.Nithya III Year CSE
11 A.Manikandan III Year EEE
12 S.Mahendran III Year MECH
13 Mr.A.Lakshminarayanan, UI / UX Designer, IBM,
Alumni Members
14 Mr.S.Tamilselvan Junior Revenue
Inspector, Viluppuram
15 Dr.R.Sundaram Founder and Managing Director, Aerospace Engineers Pvt Ltd., The Salem Aeropark,
16 Dr.R.Viswanathan Vice – Principal & HOD / Mechanical IQAC Coordinator
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