Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu

Counselling Code : 2636

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The AVS Engineering College, Salem is an Institutional member of soft computing research societty .To promote research in soft computing and allied areas, Soft Computing Research Society (SCRS) is established in 2013 with its headquarter in Delhi, India. Soft Computing Research Society is a non-profit, scientific swarm of the institutions / labs / researchers / scientists / academicians / research scholars / students / industry R & D persons interested in soft computing.Soft Computing is a versatile discipline consisting primarily of Nature Inspired Algorithms, including Evolutionary Algorithms, Swam Intelligence Algorithms, Fuzzy Sets & Fuzzy Systems and Neural Networks.

The logo of Soft Computing Research Society is a well thought out design to include the above mentioned aspects of Soft Computing. Blue colour represents the sky / water indicating nature. The top to bottom shading in the blue colour represents the fuzzy concepts against crisp concepts. The hexagon represents Neural Network as well as hive of Honey Bee Algorithm. The upper most triangles indicate the swarm intelligence emerged from birds’ flocking. The lower most triangle indicate the DNA in connection with Genetic Algorithms.


Being an Institute member of SCRS, AVSEC students, particularly those belongs to Artificial Intelligence have the privilege to:

  1. Visit Industries and interact with the industrialists,
  2. In organizing academic events, lectures, discussions, workshops, seminars and conferences
  3. For motivating and guiding the young researchers.
  4. The society also sponsors the academic trip of young researchers.
  5. Carryout project work and placement opportunities.

Coordinator / SPOC of SCRS –AVSEC for the year 2023-24 :

Sl No Name Designation Department Role
1 Prof. P.Saranya Assistant Professor AI&DS SPOC

The AVSEC is engaged in industry-institute interaction through SCRS and make sure that the students of the Department of Artificial Intelligence will be benefited in the form of practical knowledge in latest and advanced technologies, skill development, connecting to industrialists, training and placement.

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Run by Om Sri Vivekananda Educational Trust