Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade
Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu

Counselling Code : 2636

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Research and Development Committee

The Research and Development Policy

The Research and Development Cell of AVS Engineering College aims to foster a research culture in the department. The students are encouraged to take up projects in rich areas, especially cutting-edge technologies. The faculty members are encouraged to attend research workshops, seminars & conferences conducted in reputed institutions. Moreover, patents are filled in various domains.


The Research and Development Cell functioning with the following objectives

  • To encourage faculty members of all engineering/science / humanities disciplines in R&D activities for their professional growth.
  • To assist in applying and getting funds for conducting Seminars/Workshops/FDP from various available funding agencies
  • To develop and coordinate strategies for maximizing the faculty’s success in gaining external research funding.
  • To maintain and disseminate current information about relevant research policy areas and initiatives in government, professions and relevant industries, including external funding opportunities.
  • To develop strategies to foster research collaboration within the faculty, across faculty and institutes, and with agencies outside the college.
  • To work with various departments to establish and develop faculty research priorities in interdisciplinary areas.
  • To interact with industry, government, professions and the broader community on all research matters and promote faculty research activities to external stakeholders.
  • Coordinate faculty-level workshops and staff development activities on research-related issues.
  • To encourage the development of activities to attract the best research higher degree students.
  • To maintain effective links with government departments, authorities, commerce, and industry organizations relevant to the college research activities.


SL NO Name of the faculty Designation Department
1 Dr.J. Sundararajan Principal & Professor ECE
2 Dr.R. Viswanathan Professor & Vice Principal Mechanical
3 Dr.D.R. Joshua Professor &Vice Principal Mechanical
4 Prof. Janarthanan Professor & Head Civil
5 Dr.V. Vijayakumar Professor & Head CSE
6 Dr.P. Umarani Professor & Head Mathematics
7 Dr.S. Sankar Ganesh Professor ECE
8 Prof.S. Mohan Associate Professor  & Head Bio Medical
9 Prof. K. Ambika Assistant Professor & Head AI&DS
10 Prof. Ravi Sankar Assistant Professor & Head EEE
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Run by Om Sri Vivekananda Educational Trust