Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu
Approved by AICTE, New Delhi | Affiliated to Anna University,Chennai
Recognized under 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 | NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade Military Road, Ammapet, Salem - 636003, Tamilnadu
IQAC and UHV Cell organized Awareness Programme on “Human Value” by the Resource Person Dr. R. Nithya, School of Entrepreneurship and Learning, SEAL Education on 07th April 2022
IQAC and UHV cell in association with International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), Salem organized a seminar on ‘Leading a meaningful Life’ on 1st December 2022
UHV cell & Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) in association with International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), Salem organized a seminar on ‘Synthesis of Science and Religion” on 11th January 2023